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140 partiers |
Paul Young addressing the crowd, including Alison Hilding at far left |
Holiday Party tableau |
We were fortunate to have a sunny day for the party |
Eating, listening, and having fun |
Two truckloads of donations were given by CBTers |
Allen Welch, Ralph and Pat Hankey, Susan Farwell, Claire Cannata, Lori Kelly |
Bernie Murray |
Eva Hollingsworth, Nancy Whitehead, Arelen Dutton with door prize ticket |
Dave Parmelee with his win |
John DiBella and his door prize |
The 50 dollar raffle, one dollar per ticket |
Tony Nunes, background, George Post, Susan Moher, Dan Murray |
And Claudia Schuberth wins a 50 dollar raffle |
Joan Coughlin and door prize win |